Friday, February 28, 2014

My trip to Florida

Today I arrived in Florida.It was hot! We just got to the condo early. I just got back from walking on the beach  and get really wet in my cloths.

Monday, February 17, 2014

this weekend

This weekend also Butters went outside with a blanket on.She also chewed on the top of one of our trains.She is crazy right now her claws are out and scratching everybody.

this weekend

This weekend I worked on my snow fort ,went sledding, and jumped  in the snow. In our snow fort we left it so long the snow buried the cave.When we worked on the fort all we did was shovel snow out.When we went sledding i had a round sled and Alie had a orange rectangle sled. When we jumped in the snow we got snow in our sleeves.We got wet this weekend our gloves, snow pants, and coats got wet! but we had fun!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My friend Alie is awesome we play mindcraft and she likes mustaches. We play in our snow cave and one time we put a sled over her and i buried her I the snow i put little breathing hole.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Maggie Vosin

I am so sad  because Maggie Vosin got injured and she wont be able to ski in the winter Olympics.It was on practice day is hurt one of her legs.She is sad that she wont be able to ski in the Olympics.

this weekend

I am so bored because my cross country skiing got canceled and i have nothing to do except watch  the winter Olympics at 1:30. I can not go to The Whitefish winter carnival because my Dad does not like all the people that  shove,bump,and we have enough candy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I got a kitten named Butters

I have a kitten named Butters. She is playful! This morning she was jumping up on me and trying to destroy my pants me.Butters likes to get on the counters,printer,and the office counter.The funny thing is she sleeps on my dogs bad.She is 2 and a half months old. We have this mouse for her that sqeaks she always flings it so high that it get traped in the baskets.I love her!

Monday, February 3, 2014

My adventure with Jet

I had an adventure with Jet.One dark and scary night Jet and me were watching  TV a shadow appeared i said to Jet "There are always shadows in the house". Then Butters the cat came out from behind the couch it seemed like nothing to me, but Jet was way smaller then me. Butter was not going to hurt Jet she was telling jet that Cat-Kong was lose."You guys have to save the world before he gets here and destroy our house Butters said.So we went up to my room and read a book about Cat-Kong when we finished the book we got prepared to trap him.Then we herd rumbling followed by a big BOOM! We ran down as fast as we could and traped him.We let him go today we are glad he will not destroy the world.

Its so cold out

Its so cold out that an ice monster came out from its cave and froze its head off.

my week end

This week end i went to a party and my freninds Kyle,Alex,and Anna.We made  movies one was about a monster in my house and it scares us Alex was the monster that scared me away. The next movie we did was Alex was the spy and i was evil I liked the part in the movie when he droped my IPod  because it did not work. This weekend i also had an adventure with jet my dog.

the worst song of the year

I think the worst song of the year is "What does the fox say?" because it is an insalt to animals.It sounds like a giant dog's foot hitting the ground. I would not like to listen to this song in a millon years!

the top song of the year

I think "Royals" by Lorde is the best song of the year because I like the beat. It makes me want to dance. I think that it is so cool that a 16 year old girl made a hit song. I love this song!